504 5th Floor, SRS Tower, Sector - 31,Mathura Road, Faridabad, Haryana - 121003

Business Enquiry: +91 129 298 6401

Head Office: +91-7503475038




1.1. The goal of the Information Security Strategy ("Strategy") is to safeguard the Data/Information gathered and grouped from a client or client ("you" as well as "your") by D'ART Private LIMITED ("the Company") over the span of business from any breaches connecting with protection.

1.2. The target of Strategy is to sort out the taking care of interaction of the Data/Information gave to the Organization by the client or client throughout business.

1.3. The reason for the Strategy is to zero in on the occasions in which the Organization can give Data/Information of the client or a client to any outsider. For the Approach, "outsider" or "outsiders" means an individual/(s) or an association/(s) that are interlinked with the Organization straightforwardly or in a roundabout way or in some other way. The expression "outsider" or "outsiders" will contain however are not restricted to the provider/(s), merchants/(s), Delegates, business worker for hire/(s), specialist/(s) and guide/(s).



2.1. The Strategy applies to the customer or client who has given the Data/Information and the authorized representative of the Company who has collected and collated such Data/Information from the customer or client during the operation of business. Such authorized representative are the employees of the Company, and these representatives are under strict obligation to follow and act as per the Strategy.

2.2. The Strategy extended to all deals, activities and arrangements in India and any other countries in the existence where the Organization works. All individuals as stated above need to rigorously go along and act as per the Strategy while performing their duties in relation to transactions, dealings and operations referenced here.



3.1. For the purpose of Strategy, the expression "Data/Information" mean and includes client's or customer’s very own data/information and data/information connected with the business.

3.2. The Organization understands and acknowledge that the Data/Information given by the client or customer for customized services solely and exclusively belongs to client or customer that just who gave it; Further, the Company likewise comprehends that it has no Intellectual Property (IP) rights over such Data/Information given by the parties. The Company hereby declare to safeguard such IP from any " internal breach". In terms of the Strategy, " internal breach " signifies any breach caused by any employee of the Company during the course of performing their responsibilities/obligations/duties. However, in any case, by no means the Company will be held liable for any breach caused by any outsider.



4.1. The Company undertakes that it won't disclose any Data/Information to an outsider, other than mentioned in next clause mentioned underneath, without obtaining prior written consent/assent from the client or customer. Nonetheless, the condition mentioned above doesn't apply to “Events”. The succeeding clause i.e., clause 5 defines “Events” and cover the potential events in which the company might need to unveil Data/Information to any outsider without acquiring earlier assent, and under those situations, the Company can't be expected to take responsibility for any breach to the Information Protection Strategy.

4.2. The Company is in the business of retail design, pop display alongside content creation and works with a target of client fulfilment by offering premium quality types of services; to accomplish the said objective, the Company regularly engage itself with outsiders and offer the Data/Information of client or client to these outsiders, in case any such outsiders breach the privacy of the client or customer then the Company can't be held be liable, accountable and responsible in any way for any such breach.



This clause specifies the possible future events which might lead to a breach of Privacy, and such potential events will be termed "Events". The events referenced underneath are not comprehensive and are expressed for just illustrative purposes:

  • Breach caused which is out of control of the Company.
  • At the point when the Company has utilized all the appropriate and suitable measures to safeguard the Data/Information of the client or client from such breach.
  • At the point when any government department, authorities or offices demand the Company to give such Data/Information.
  • At the point when any Judicial Body demand the Company to give such Data/Information.
  • At the point when the client or customer is engaged in any illegal activities or whatever other exercises which are banished by the law.
  • Breach brought about by any outsider
  • Breach brought about by a employee acting with mens rea.



6.1. The Company might gather the Data/Information from the client or customer in an offline or online mode or through whatever any other mode which the Organization considers fit. The said Data/Information might be collected in any format or some other way as concluded by the board of directors or some other approved authorized officer assigned by the Board of Directors.

6.2. Every client or customer giving the Data/Information to the Company needs to submit a written formal undertaking expressing that the client or customer are submitting such Data/Information with free assent. Further, the client or customer needs to undertake that the Company has not forced them for giving such Data/Information.

6.3. The undertaking expressed above should to bear the signature of the authorized representative and the stamp of the client's association company..



The Data/Information can be safeguarded by the Company as long as the Company considers fit. In the event of the use of Data/Information is no longer required for business purposes, the Company will dispose of and trash the Data/Information to safeguard the data from inappropriate access.



 8.1. If the client or customer desires to correct or update any data that he/she has given, they can send an email to:

8.2. In the occasion client or customer wants to report a breach of the Strategy, he/she might contact the designated Grievance Officer of the company at: +91 129 298 6401.