Let’s put it this way – considering experience in a time dilated situation (as per Einstein’s theory of special relativity). When the experience rush is at its highest speed, time is slower than in any other situation. Making it act in all forms of tenses at the same damn moment. Senses are just the juggernaut in making it happen.
It's interesting yet it is backward that we are leaving our physical spaces and interactions merely to experience it virtually. There’s no harm in it. It’s just more sensual than we touch-n-feel physically. Our brain is wired according to that, we form perceptions quickly – thus the experience, A VIRTUAL PERCEPTION.
Virtual-ness that is physically closer to us, keeps on giving the rush of remembrance. That’s exactly the way to memorize when we see a visual instead of only audio. The impact is different. It houses, it stays. Post that, we call it loyalty in terms of business.
Similarly, the retail experience has the journey from pre-shopping, shopping, and post-shopping. The tense talks. Available insights suggest that the ‘pre-part’ is our search for the product/service, reading reviews about it, and getting influenced. Hence, the purchase decision is framed firmly.
While shopping, we are experiencing the product in a way to commemorate the touch-n-feel with our framed intellect formed earlier. That’s why startups or new brands have to face this trust exam. If the customer feels the product immensely – the brand makes the SALE. Thus, ‘How Experience Is at Forefront Than a Dollar Bill’ is proven.
Fostering experiences are on the rise like never before. And that too with the help of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and many other technologies. Moreover, they are developing perceptions in order to gain future market share. You own a canvas, then start dotting the lucrative. Paradigms, pedigrees, branched hierarchy. All forms and frames the experience strategy for the brand.