Customized O2O Interface: Creating a demand for their product/service. The digital market space is analysed using comparison parameters. We chase the consumer by informing them and educating them about the need for the product/service.
Digital retail technology: It is easy to understand why footfall is dependent on it. However, footfall can be controlled. The technology of heatmaps is used in all the global stores that we deliver. We measured footfall in retail shops according to demographics and stroll behavior as well as purchase behavior.
Real-Time Conversion: O2O (Online-to-Offline) retail solutions are capable of digitizing the shopping experience. We integrate in-store touchpoints with immersive digital retail technologies such as AR, VR, and AI to strengthen the connection. The store is greeted by a high recall value (which we worked on), and customers are more likely to make a purchase.
Quarterly audit reports: Keep in touch with consumers based on their search behaviour. Our specialized auditors deliver audit reports to the brand based on retail KPIs.

“It’s ironic that purchase decisions are made even before entering the store.”- Anonymous
The treatments of the majority of stores are in contrast to the demand. The silver bullet to it is to increase the fusion of digital technologies in the brick-and-mortar. But how to conclude that as a whole?
Based on derivations, we believe to be fitted in retail store scenarios with an Online to Offline (O2O) approach, where -
Experience = Customized O2O Interface
By inculcating the above-mentioned experience equation, we help brands to neutralize the irony they witness in today’s fluctuating market i.e. purchase is done with a blink of an eye. Consumer’s O2O (Online to Offline) journey, for example, is mapped by the brand (through us) by arousing the need of their product/service for the consumer. The behavior in this digital market space is graphed as per comparison parameters (on which consumer decides its purchase) like cost, value, services, ease of availability, peer influence, and influencer/affiliate marketing.

We then map the online consumer journey with our proactive capture strategy. Where we chase the consumer by informing and educating it for the need of the product/service. Through O2O (Online to Offline) brand activations, we help educate the consumer about the brand that includes contests, plays, engagement programs, etc. driving towards the brand goes hand-in-hand with information and education.
But, time can be the best and the worst partner a brand can have. Dependence of footfall is understandable very much with it but footfall can be influenced to prove it against all odds. To explain in simple terms, digital retail technology is becoming a direct coefficient to the whole retail industry.
The infographic to the right showcases a mix of Need, Must, and Desired. The percentages are according to the contributive share they impart in an O2O-driven retail store. The ‘need’ infuses with the disruptive inputs from the industry whereas ‘must’ and ‘desired’ infuses with traditional inputs and mid-level innovations. For a better understanding, the traditional inputs will always be there no matter how tech-advanced we will become. On the other hand-clap, disruptive innovations have made pocket-heavy products/services more accessible in broader spaces.
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We envision a chakravyuh* where the consumer is at the epicenter and the brand is placed at the outer periphery. The formerly mentioned periphery is full of cluttered competition, hoaxes, taboos, and braggy tongues. All these factors are enough to influence the consumer with (not to mention) intends. To make the brand reach the epicenter, we provide O2O (Online to Offline) retail solutions that are capable of digitizing the shopping experience. From outer to inner to epicenter, we amalgamate our IEC (Invite, Engage, Convert) model at each periphery. For the invite part, we create O2O (Online to Offline) branding, activations, BTL Activities, OOH advertising with purposely sketched retail store designs. These stores hold the phygital connect with the consumer. To make the connection stronger, we integrate touchpoints (in-store) with immersive digital retail technologies like AI, AR window displays, VR. Pitching with our in-house technologies like heatmap camera, 3D hologram fan, VR Headsets, Magnetic Levitation, Virtual Trial Room, Magic Mirror, etc. we uphold the engagement part from our IEC (Invite, Engage, Convert) model with clients. When the consumer gets engaged with the brand, it crosses the outer periphery and enters the inner one. The consumer ratio between the two peripheries remains at an industrial 10 percent level. |
At the inner one, we help brands to segregate their cost challenges, inventory, and range according to the different consumer level that stands from mass, mid to premium. Making this IEC (Invite, Engage, Convert) happen at this layer, we inculcate brand promotion, audit reports, heatmaps to graph the consumer from all parameters. Volume-wise (high, mid, low) conversion strategies make the purchase, and hence, the brand reaches the epicenter surpassing all the barriers.
We don’t only make the brand reach its end consumers but also create strategies devised for loyalty, brand recall, and repeat purchases from the consumer. Keeping in touch with the consumer according to their search behavior we deploy digital marketing strategies that primarily involve BTL Activities that are O2O (Online to Offline) too. Quarterly audit reports are delivered to the brand by our specialized auditors as per retail KPIs. Post reports, we suggest suitable treatments to leverage ‘leaky-buckets’.
From our Far East partner, we include the technology of heatmaps in the stores we deliver globally. Through this technology, we have measured footfall in retail stores according to demographics, stroll behavior, and purchase behavior. We have even analyzed consumers' frustration while standing in queue for check-out. Post analysis, we suggested adequate alternatives to maintain the consumer cool level.
The whole process of consumer journey we map through our holistic services (weaved below) at every inch makes the consumer reach to the store with (high) recall value of the brand (we worked on) and the sale is the sure-shot.
Digital retail treatment is a combination of different technological and retail aspects that eventually focus on enhancing the customer shopping experience. In other words, it is a new era digital strategy for the in-store experience that shapes customer's perceptions and directly influences their purchasing decisions.
Retail digital management is concerned with improving the overall efficiency of a retail outlet by automating various tasks. Some common examples include inventory tracking and sales monitoring. Retailers who wish to experience smoother workflows, optimised operations, and reduced costs, can opt for digital retail operations management.
When the physical stores are given digital retail design treatment to make the consumer-brand connect stronger. With advanced O2O (Online to Offline) strategies to make a dent in conventional operational and non-operational practices is called digital intervention.
Different geographies follow different cultures. And the cultural influence directly creates an influence on the psychology of the consumer. For example, in the Indian subcontinent, women wear a saree as a tradition. So, the market and the brands will have to adapt accordingly in that space.
Disruptive, mid-level innovations like smartphones, digital photography, DSPs (Digital Streaming Platforms), etc. along with traditional inputs (that can’t be ignored) create a perfect mix for the brand to map their consumer journey and position their brand.
In current times, the customer journey can be defined from both digital and physical trackers. With digital interventions, consumer behavior shifts tremendously, and sometimes it is tricky to track in some cases. The most adaptive generations are millennials and GenZ. At present, a consumer makes a purchase decision way before entering a store. To derivate that journey, brands are lucrative about their consumer tracking strategies from O2O (online to offline) means.
Retail agencies envision a digital labyrinth where the consumer is placed at the center and the brand is at the outer periphery. With a brand dealing with fierce competition and other types of hindrances. Agencies create a strong brand identity to break that competition layer with a traditional 10% customer-in ratio. By solving their inventory, price, range, and cost challenges. They break the second layer with the same consumer-in ratio. With three major parameters – customer recall, repeat purchase, customer loyalty, the consumer purchases the brand. As the consumer is being tracked at every step, high visibility is created of the brand in the consumer’s environment. Thus, a real-time conversion takes place.